Sunday 29 March 2015

Cute Room Ideas!

My room is a jumble sale of random bits and bobs that I just shove up or have on my drawers but I think if you separate all the things some of them are actually really cute that anyone can use to jazz up their room.

On my wall I have an uncompleted picture part (as you can see I only have 3 on so far) and uncompleted gig part as I have been to several more but haven't put them up yet. 
The top half of the way consists of 4 pieces of my GCSE art work which I liked so I kept them.

Art work either made by yourself or bought from a shop adds colour to a dull wall, especially if like in my case you aren't allowed to paint the room, it just brightens it up. I am quite proud of my art work, even though I got a rubbish grade in the end. 

Picture wise I don't have that many up as I haven't got round to printing any out, but I do intend to have a space filled at the side of the paintings full of my favourite pictures and memories. I have pictures of my deceased pets to remember them by, they aren't the best pictures but I still love them especially the one of Buster jumping in the air.
If you don't have space for photo frames around your room but still want pictures on display, print your favourite ones off, grab the blu tack and stick those bad boys up. To add some pajazz you could add fairy lights around the edge and on a night have them switched on. 

Much like the picture idea, having gig tickets up and keepsakes from them is a really good way of you remembering things and they don't have the risk of being spoiled or ripped if they are on a wall. Again I said it is uncompleted and I still have my Room 94 ones to add and a few others from last year. 

Moving on my drawers are mainly filled of presents from people which I adore and can't bear the thought of having them pushed away in a drawer, along with the presents there's a few bits and bats and a drumstick.

Here I have a photo frame Eunice made me with all my favourite pictures of us and Emma along with Sean from Room 94 and the other girls. I absolutely adore things like this and I will forever treasure it. In front there is a giant peg, I am one of those people who impulse buys and then is stuck with what to use the peg for, I have another one but I use that as I broke my mirror stand, with this one I was thinking I could add notes as in reminders for me to do that day/week. Next to the peg is THE HAPPINESS JAR which is quite simply the best gift I have ever received, I got it from the lovely Beth and Lottie for my 18th, inside are notes to cheer me up and boy oh boy they do. I can't throw the paper away after so I just put it back in and shake it so I get a different one.

Sophie made me this really cute picture frame from my birthday, she hand made the little stitching piece which I find adorable. It has one of my favourite memories on it, Soccer Six where I first met Sophie and where I spent a full day with a majority of my best friends.

This isn't part of my drawers, it belongs on my desk but I thought I would share it anyway, it includes my very first pictures with band members (cringe) and some of my favourite pictures from school, however I think it is time to update it as I have a lot more up to date better pictures with many of the people on here. 
Not including the presents, it has been very cheap for me to decorate my room as I keep an eye out for a bargain, I am going to start plan an actual theme to my room. 

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Speak soon- K xox

Friday 27 March 2015


The start of March was full of countless hours of travel, little sleep and a lot of fun! Why? You may rightly ask, to some the answer might seem crazy others it may seem normal. I basically went on 6 dates of the same gig over a span of a week and a half with my best friend Kia, meeting other best friends Kelsey, Helen, Rebecca and Sarah along the way!

The tour was none other than Room 94's Dirty Dancing, and I for one had a blast at every single date! I met so many of my internet friends, met new people, discovered new bands, laughed at Kieran's lame jokes (even though my jokes are far worse), stayed up way way too late, felt sad when Kelsey left us at Birmingham, cringed at my drunken antics, became heartbroken on the coach home from London when it finally hit me that tour was over. I regret nothing, not the stupidity of me, not the money I spent, not even the sneaking around and the little white lies I told my mother because without all that I wouldn't of gone to six amazing shows nor would I of had so much fun, the bottom line is each date was different and each date different friends were at so I got to meet all of my favourite people in the world whilst doing something I love.

The six cities that were blessed with my presence were the following: Nottingham, Newcastle, Sheffield, Manchester, Birmingham and London. I don't have a favourite city nor gig as they were all so good and I want to relive them again and again. 

Out of the three support acts only Lost Dials were the ones I hadn't heard before, but I was pleasantly surprised with what they brought to the stage, they got the crowd pumped and sang two covers Ain't It Fun (Paramore) and Treasure (Bruno Mars) so even if people weren't familiar with their own music there was something for everyone to get involved with. By the end of tour I knew all their songs and officially been converted to a fan! 
It was really nice to finally hear Robbie Coles perform, I have listened to his songs before and loved them and to my dismay I couldn't get to Leeds when he was supporting Dave Giles. He blew me away, such a talented guy and kudos to him for managing to get through his set whilst he was ill and as we all recently found out a broken rib (oops). 
The final support act were Symmetry who supported back in 2014 so I knew what to expect from them and loved them even more this year, it was however a shame that they weren't there for the final two dates of the tour (for me) as they went to support McBusted-fannncccyy!  

I have hundreds of pictures from tour but I shall only share a few on here, if you would like to see anymore make sure you let me know and I can always put them in an album on Facebook.
So without further ado here goes-

I really sucked at getting decent pictures of anyone on the stage therefore every picture is just of me!

Check out ROOM94Lost DialsRobbie Coles and Symmetry!

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So you don't miss out on the shenanigans.

Speak soon- K xox

Thursday 26 March 2015


I have neglected my Youtube and blog a lot over the last few months, I am ashamed. But with that being said I have recently had the urge to re-start both of them and wipe the slate clean so hopefully this time around- which I think is 3rd time but hey 3rd time lucky right?- I can stick to an actual schedule and produce videos and posts that I am happy about.

My aim is to post videos at least once a week if not twice depending on the time I have to film and edit, videos will be uploaded on a Sunday and possibly during the week as well. With the blog I hope to write several posts a week ranging from life to beauty and everything else in between.

Follow my Twitter- TLOKatie
Like my Facebook- Thelifeofkatie
Subscribe to my Youtube- TheLifeOfKatie
So you don't miss out on all the shenanigans.  

Speak soon- K xox